Monday, February 20, 2012

Ice Fall

I drive by this scene every day. It is on the side of a busy highway. (If there is such a thing in 
vermont) Not much room to pull over so I kept on driving by thinking I should stop and 
snap that. We don't have much of anything that resembles Winter here in Vermont. The trees are bare and a few spots of snow. This ice fall is a testament to the time of year it really is. I finally risked my life and stopped. It was twilight so I had to set my camera for low light. The first shot was at 1/160 sec at f/28, Focal length at 18mm ISO at 800. The second shot was 1/80sec at f/28, Focal length at 55mm ISO at 100. The two images were shot maybe ten minutes apart just at sunset. I was fascinated by the blue ice that showed up in my pictures that I did not see with my naked eye. I did tweak the contrast in the second image in Lightroom 3 and the blue popped out more. I did not like the noise I saw in high resolution so I have to start taking more low light images and figure out the right ISO to get the shot with less noise. I love a challenge. If you are driving South down Rt 30 in Southern Vermont towards will see this amazing ice fall! One of the very few signs that winter is here sitting with all her beauty wrapped in ice on the side of a road .

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